Why did I allow someone who could destroy me into my life?
My life is messy, your life is messy, and it's supposed to be.
Every year on my birthday I commit to something new, and I start off my birthday honoring that commitment.
For those of you that don't know, I am a black woman... I know it is shocking to us all!
I’ve allowed myself to settle with my personal goals, specifically in my dating world.
Let's be honest, I really love wine, so truly if I am awake and breathing, I feel like I need
We do not fall apart in the face of adversity...
I prayed a lot about where God needs me to be in 2019.
That's right I said it, 2019... I am done with the bullsh*t. Let's rip the bandaid right on off.
Someone else's opinion of me is none of my business