Every year on June 1st I celebrate my personal new year. It’s my birthday y’all!!! I for one LOVE my birthday, and I am grateful to be celebrating 34 complicatedly blessed years. Every year on my birthday I commit to something new, and I start off my birthday honoring that commitment.

Last year, it was to travel abroad every single year no matter what. I see you July trip to the Dominican! This  year though it was to “Marie Kondo” my life, not so much my closet though… that’s going too far. 

You see too often I allow other people’s expectation to guide me. Then I recently started bluntly asking myself this one question… “does this person and their opinions bring me joy?” The resounding “hell no” I kept hearing from my mind, resulted in me recommitting to my own joy and  value in my 34th year.

Now does this mean I have figured out how to let go of my people pleasing side? Not completely and who knows if that side of me will ever go away, but I am promising myself from hence forward to protect myself from the people who lack the joy and purposeful presence I deserve. Cheers to 34!

Tags : joy